Considerations for our 2023 projects

Our two July gatherings were a great opportunity to (finally!!!) meet in person, talk about important questions of creating projects to build community and also share stories of challenges we’ve faced, solutions we’ve found and what it all meant. I know that it’s often not deemed polite to talk about politics, but I think that […]

Building Community

It has been lovely getting to finally have a chance for our group members to meet and chat with each other. Over two sessions held in June, seedsitters, project partners and friends came together in my backyard to bring in seedlings for exchange with others as well as donations to community gardens and , pot […]

Lawrence Park steps up in a big way!

I’m going to start this post with kudos to the amazing team at Lawrence Park Collegiate. As you may recall, last November I met with the eco-club and distributed seedsitting kits. Students and staff took them home and used the winter-sowing method to germinate them and return them to the school after Spring break.  On […]

Update on seedlings

How are your seedlings doing? Many have been reaching out with pictures so I will be sharing those with you. Thanks to Pat, Veronica, Nancy and Linda for sending in pictures of their seedlings!  Pat sent in the first set of pictures and showed how she was growing milkweed seedlings indoors under her grow lights […]

Time to start stretching…

About a week ago, I decided to begin warming up my seedlings to help them get a jump on spring.  Last year I had great success from creating a “greenhouse” effect for my seedsitting shelf by stapling plastic onto the frame, while creating two overlapping plastic flaps in the front.  Around the same time I […]

Project Swallowtail Seed Sitters meetings

Sign up to attend virtual meetings with seedsitters from all over Ontario. Project Swallowtail is organizing several drop-in sessions for seedsitters, including our own group. These meetings are a great way to meet all the other amazing people who, as part of our network of volunteers, are germinating seeds for various projects such as restoration, […]