Saturday September 7, 2023, 11am-3pm, Toronto: DVP and Lawrence Ave East

By now you probably know how much I love the North American Native Plant Society (NANPS). I first joined in 2015, have learned so much, and along the way, grown lots of native plants from its amazing seed exchange. In 2022, as part of my Pollinator Steward certification, with the help of my friends, I held a garden tour/scavenger hunt which was so much fun.
Now, as a token of my appreciation for NANPS, I have enlisted the help of my AMAZING friends and fellow Underhill Seedsitters to offer visitors another one. Here are generous friends who have stepped up to lead the different activities.

You will have a chance to learn about creating healthy habitats in your own garden, the benefits of native grasses, sedges and trees and even how you can create your own boulevard garden or pond. At the final station you’ll learn how to grow native plants through winter-sowing and choose a plant grown by our members to take home and add to your own garden.

Those who join or renew their membership to NANPS at this event will be entered into a lucky draw for this great book donated by the Underhill Seedsitters. You can get your free tickets at this link: