One of the best parts of seed-sitting is meeting fellow growers who are just as passionate about nature, so it won’t come as a surprise that the month of June has been the perfect opportunity for the Underhill Seedsitters to get together, share a meal and pot up plants.

Left: Mag started our plant trading session by showing up with a trunkload of fantastic seedlings including several veggies that were expertly grown.
Our first potluck/potting up session took place on Saturday June 15th and was a great chance to meet up with old friends and make new ones, trade recipes, and admire the seedlings we had grown together.

Our second potluck potting up session took place the next day and was just as much fun.

On Saturday June 22nd, when a planting project in Oshawa was canceled last minute, the volunteers who had signed up decided to continue with the nursery visits planned for after the plantings…. which proved to be such a great decision! The trip started with a visit to Judith’s amazing garden to see the many plants she had grown to perfection. It is always such a treat to see how others grow their plants so it was such a learning experience.

With the completion of the RH McGregor PS project and the school closing down for the summer, Sayeh offered to take care of the pots over the summer. As the seedlings needed to be divided and potted up, Sayeh put out a call to members and Jen came by and offered to take several pots home to divide and pot up when she had free time. The other members showed up at 8am on Sunday, and in a few short hours, all the seedlings were potted up.

As we head into July, we are looking forward to even more opportunities to get together.