Planted May 15, 2024, Address: 130 Yorkview Dr, North York, ON M2R 1K1

The second project that has been completed by our group this year is also at Yorkview Public School but in a completely different area. Krista who teaches a grade 1/2 class, has always wanted to turn an under-used, sectioned-off part of the school’s massive playground into a nature walk. She regularly takes her students to that section for nature journaling and observation, so this was an excellent opportunity for them to experience planting.

At a second visit on April 17th, Pat and Sayeh looked at the area in more detail to look at trees and vines that could be added to slowly create a forest environment. A section of the ground that seemed to remain moist was deemed as the perfect area to create a garden bed.

Krista and her students set out to build the garden and by May 15, Sayeh and Pat returned with plants to start the planting. The children and Krista had done a fantastic job, and thanks to the generous donation of a parent, there was lots of soil and mulch to use. The garden bed needed more soil, so on planting day, Sayeh and Pat began by adding more soil and removing the excess cardboard around the edges.

Sayeh and Pat laid out the plants on the garden bed and the children took turns with planting with Sayeh and identifying and removing invasive garlic mustard plants with Pat.