Planted May 15, 2024, Address: 130 Yorkview Dr, North York, ON M2R 1K1

One night, as she was scrolling through the posts in her local Buy Nothing group, Sayeh came across a post by Anca, asking whether anyone had plants to give away to beautify a local school. And this was the start of a heart-warming collaboration that launches the first in the series of projects our group will complete this year.
Sayeh reached out to Anca and offered native plants grown by the Underhill Seedsitters, on the condition that the school create a program to teach the children how to grow native plants themselves. To her delight, Tina W., the school Principal was extremely supportive and Patrick, the school caretaker, helped expedite the entire process.

On April 12th, when Sayeh went to see the proposed site, she was greeted with teachers and parents who were ready to start the project and enthusiastically shared the many gardening projects already underway at the school. A planting date of May 15 was set, with the school tasked with sourcing the soil, mulch, landscape fabric and cardboard, and the USS committed to providing plants and lending out gardening gloves, trowels and tools. To support parents with children, USS also offered to host a craft table to occupy the children during the planting.
Yorkview PS’s parent council offered to make it a social event and provided pizza dinner and drinks for all. A kind parent who operates RL Landscaping generously donated all the soil and mulch needed.

This project was featured in a video posted to Yorkview PS’s instagram account that you can watch here

This project was such a delight for all those involved, but it wasn’t our only project with Yorkview PS! Our next post will feature the second project we have completed together.