Location: 38 Shirley St, Toronto, ON M6K 1S9

To say that Nancy is a force of nature would be an understatement, so I’d like to take this post to introduce you to One of TWO projects which have flourished through the hard work and passion of our very own Nancy. The native plant gardens at Shirley St. JPS were originally designed and created through a generous PollinateTO grant and they look fabulous!

Their beauty and flourishing is yet another example of how native plant gardens can enhance local communities. Nancy has been adding more plants to them and expanding them this year. Her main project though has been to expand the area along the fence and for that she used plants that she had grown as part of our PS Underhill seedsitting group, ones donated by our group members as well as those generously provided by Project Swallowtail Seedsitter Extraordinaire Douglas Counter!

In another area, Nancy ripped out the periwinkle and pruned existing shrubs and added the native plants donated to her.

Her third planting has been along the school building at Shirley. Many gorgeous species, including an abundance of giant hyssop and species I cannot remember but all generously donated.

There is a saying that Native plants sleep in their first year, creep in their second and leap in their third year. I can’t wait to revisit these gardens to witness them leaping in the coming years. Kudos Nancy!
I will post Nancy’s second school project in a separate post so be on the lookout for that!