Thank-you to everyone who signed up! I have already started seed distribution. If you are NOT a part of this group but still want to take part in seedsitting, please come to the public event on Saturday January 28. Scroll down to see the details at the bottom of this post.
Lawrence Park Collegiate seed-sitting kits

On Monday December 12, 2022, I went to Lawrence Park Collegiate Institute to distribute 22 seedsitting kits to 19 students. One great teaching aid I made and took with me was a seed display sheet which had actual seeds of the different varieties.

Who are this year’s seedsitters? While many are members who are coming back for a second year, the majority are new members.

See varieties for 2023
You can see a listing of seed varieties that are available to members. I will be growing the ones that I have limited supplies of. All the yellow spaces are available and this table will be updated with names when distribution is completed

Where can you get seed packs & supplies?
I have sent out an email on January19th with times/location for distribution to my group. Contact me if you haven’t received that email.
Project Swallowtail Public Event: Sat, January 28th, 10am-12pm
Drop-in any time between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. to collect seed, connect with experienced native plant growers, gather educational material, and enjoy some hot drinks and light snacks.