Well, I’ve had a chance to tally up some numbers and you may be interested to learn some interesting statistics!
We are 50 members strong with the following 5 groups making up our membership:
17 members from the Underhill Neighborhood Group form the largest group
12 members from Garden Club of Toronto are growing plants to commemorate Garden Club’s 75th anniversary and restore Willket Creek Ravine.
11 members of St. Clair Evangelical Missionary Church are planning to create amazing gardens on church property as well as engage members of the community and local schools.
9 members from Leaside High School’s Eco-club are growing seeds to add new plants to their existing garden and start new ones on school grounds.
1 member….. ME!!! is growing a whole bunch of seeds to be used for all the projects above and more! I feel like I belong to all 4 groups so I couldn’t really include myself in any specific one, so I have a group of 1 to help with the accounting.
If you recall, the seedpacks were organized in the following 3 sizes based on number of seedlings you would expect and have to separate in the spring:
Small seedpacks contain about 10 seeds and are suitable for a small pot
Medium seedpacks contain about 25 seeds and can be planted in a larger pot.
Large seedpacks contain about 50 seeds and are suitable for a tray.
Here is the breakdown of what is being planted with the first letter ( S – M – L ) indicating size of seedpack

Another way to look at the data is by checking out the varieties we are collectively growing: 61!!!! As you recall, half your seedlings, whatever the number! belongs to you and you can trade some or all of those with other members to get different varieties, so now, start dreaming! The entries are color-coded to indicate which group that person belongs to:
Blue: neighborhood , Pink: Garden Club Blue St. Clair EM church, Purple: Leaside HS, Green: Sayeh

The second half of your seedlings will go to community building initiatives which can include communal gardens, outreach to neighbors, donations to great projects and so much more. I already have a couple of projects in mind and will be sharing examples with you over the next few blogs.