Terrariums are glass containers for growing plants. As more and more people discover how fun and easy it is to grow succulents, growing them in terrariums is gaining popularity.
Succulents are plants that have water-filled, juicy leaves and grow in low-water conditions. sedums, sansevieria and aloe are some of the common ones. Succulent Terrariums are not only easy to keep, they are also fun to make. These particular terrariums feature decorative layers of rocks and sand. You only need to water them once a week and they can grow in indirect and full-sun locations in your house.
Clear glass containers
You will need glass containers that you can get from a thrift shop, small succulents, and colored sand, rocks, cactus soil. I also like to use aquarium gravel since it has a nice coating for bright colors.
You will also need some paper and tape as well as a variety of spoons to pour material in the container, as well as a brush to clean up.

Place a layer of aquarium gravel at the bottom. This is essential since it captures the excess water so your plants won’t suffer from root rot.

Roll up your paper in a tube that is smaller than the width of your container and secure it with tape. This tube will hold your soil for your plants, allowing you to create patterns with rocks and sand on the side of your container.
Alternate between pouring layers of sand on the outside and soil on the inside of the tube so that they levels outside and inside the tube rise at the same rate. When you are nearing your desired level of sand, don’t add any more soil since you need a bit of space for the succulent roots.
Put your plants inside the soil and remove the paper tube and top off with soil to bring the level up to the same as the surrounding sand.
Use a pencil to tamp down the soil around the plants and add a final layer to cover the sand and soil. In this case I added perlite as it matches the white sand I used in the final layer, but also adds a decorative texture. Use a small brush to clear any perlite or sand that has fallen onto the succulents.
You can add a variety of decorative items to complete your scene.
Congratulations on your latest creation. Very n ice!